Tita Ligaya Cabug

Tita Ligaya Cabug

Does Cannabis Oil Help With Allergies

Does Cannabis Oil Help With Allergies

Cannabis oil has anti-inflammatory properties that could make allergy symptoms less severe. But there is still no solid proof that it works to treat allergies. Notably, some people can be allergic to cannabis, which can cause symptoms like coughing, a…

What Triggers Hay Fever

What Triggers Hay Fever?

Hay fever can be triggered by seasonal allergens such as pollen and grass, as well as year-round allergens such as dust mites and animal fur. It is not caused by a virus in the same way that the common cold…

What Helps Hay Fever Fast

What Helps Hay Fever Fast

Hay fever, which is also called allergic rhinitis, is a common illness that affects millions of people all over the world. It can lead to several symptoms, such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes. Even though…

Why Is My Hayfever So Extreme?

Why Is My Hayfever So Extreme?

Hayfever’s extreme symptoms can differ a lot from person to person. While some might have a slight reaction, others could have more extreme symptoms. This difference can be due to various factors, such as how the person’s immune system responds,…

What Is A Safer Way Of Smoking Weed?

What Is A Safer Way Of Smoking Weed?

There is no safer way of smoking weed, but there are methods that may be slightly less harmful than others. As the use of cannabis becomes more widespread, many users are looking for safer ways to consume it. Understanding About Smoking…

Is Hemp Fabric Legal?

different colors of hemp fabrics

Yes, hemp fabric is legal. Despite the common misunderstanding that its legality might be questionable due to its connection to cannabis, it is perfectly legal to manufacture items such as clothing from hemp.However, the fabric’s association with marijuana often leads…