Tita Ligaya Cabug

Tita Ligaya Cabug

How Much Hemp Seed Oil For Arthritis

Hemp Seed Oil For Arthritis

Arthritis, which affects a large global population, often requires the administration of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which may present adverse effects. This necessitates the exploration of alternative therapies. Hemp seed oil, derived from the hemp plant, has become a subject…

What Does Hemp Seed Do To Dogs?

What Does Hemp Seed Do To Dogs

Hemp seeds for dogs, which are produced from the hemp plant, are considered to be food-safe and non-toxic to humans and animals. Unlike certain components of the Cannabis sativa plant, hemp seed does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive substance.…

How To Use Hemp Seed Oil For Pain

hempseed oil for pain

Hemp Seed Oil, a derivative of the Cannabis sativa L species, has been at the forefront of the health and wellness industry for its multitude of benefits. Contrary to some misconceptions, hemp seed oil contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),…

How Long Does CBD Dog Treats Last

woman giving a CBD treat to a dog

The surge in availability and interest in CBD-infused products has inevitably extended to the veterinary sector, including CBD dog treats. Derived primarily from broad-spectrum hemp, these treats offer an array of benefits for canine health. Understanding CBD Dog Treats As…

Can Dogs Overdose on CBD Treats?

A dog can’t lethally overdose on CBD dog treats

The escalating interest in CBD treats for dogs has raised questions regarding its safety profile. One of the most pressing queries is, Can a dog lethally overdose on a hemp-derived CBD dog treat? In simple terms, the answer is no.…